Fire prevention week

National Fire Prevention Week

National Fire Prevention Week is the longest-running public health observation in America. It started in 1922, by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), to educate the community about fire prevention

National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month

No matter where you live, you are susceptible to natural and man-made disasters. Being prepared for these disasters is the best thing you can do to ensure your family and

Happy National Insurance Awareness Day

National Insurance Awareness Day

National Insurance Awareness Day is June 28th. Although this day is not the most exciting of the National Days to celebrate, for homeowners and property managers, this day should not

National Claims Negotiators

What is a Public Adjuster

Most people know very well what an Insurance Adjuster is. You probably had to deal with one at least once in your life. Whether it be because of a car

Family and house damage

What is Cosmetic Damage?

What is cosmetic damage? Cosmetic Damage is defined as marring, pitting, or other superficial damage from a named peril (i.e. HAIL). This type of damage alters the appearance of damage

Property owner

Property Owner Vs. Shareholder

Insurance companies are a for profit business. Just like most businesses, the insurance companies have shareholders to make happy, not their customers. How do companies keep their shareholders happy? Being